DOPE QUEENS follows three friends — Goldie (Alexandra Grey), Blake (Pierson Fodé), and Angel (Trace Lysette) — over the course of a wild night on the famously gritty streets of San Francisco’s Tenderloin. The trio faces off with street royalty Monika (Kylie Sonique Love) and Sheba (Krystal Thomas) at the iconic neighborhood watering hole aptly named DIVAS. With growing jealousies and pressure over their territory, lines are drawn to devastating consequences. Filled with rich dialogue and stunning characters, we are given a peek into the rarely seen world of The Tenderloin and its storied inhabitants.
Director: Grafton Reyes Doyle
Writer: Grafton Reyes Doyle
Producers: Julio Lopez Velasques and John Reyes Doyle
DP: Madeline Leach
Editor: Eric Berman
Starring: Alexandra Grey, Pierson Fodé, Trace Lysette, Krystal Thomas, and Kylie Sonique Love